Customer Support

We help you set things up if there’s something unclear. During the whole trading journey DeanTrader is generally available, and will often post updates in the private Telegram and Discord groups. We also published several guides and FAQ sheets to help you out with the most common questions and issues that might arise, linked here. Additionally we have a supportive community that gladly helps if there are some questions regarding the general market, trading or something cryptocurrency-related.

DeanTrader is available via Twitter, Email (info[at]deantrader[dot]com), Contact Form, and the private Telegram group as well as a private Discord server (the latter two only for Swing Algo users). If you have questions after purchase that might be interesting for other users, you’re encouraged to ask them in the Telegram group or Discord server, so that other members can learn from them, too. Otherwise you can of course ask using the other methods mentioned above.

Pricing & Purchases

You can purchase access in the Shop on our website by buying the appropriate product tier (which indicates for how long you want to use the Swing Algos and indicators). After you finished your order, DeanTrader can unlock all relevant scripts on TradingView for you and add you to our Telegram and Discords channels. If you then have further questions along the way, feel free to ask us e.g. in Telegram.

The only difference is the time duration in which you are able to use DeanTrader’s Swing Algos and indicators. Apart from that every tier has access to the same tools and chat groups.

Iron: 1 month use.
Silver 6 months use.
Gold: 12 months use.
Platinum: Lifetime use.

For upgrading you can purchase a new, typically longer, subscription while your current subscription is running. We just add your new subscription period to the one you’re currently enjoying.


During the first 30 days after your first purchase you have a money-back guarantee, if for any reason you don’t like the purchased products. DeanTrader will then refund you the full amount (minus payment processor fees). Note that in any case no refunds can be paid after that 30-day period of the first payment has passed. This means for subscriptions that the refund is only valid during the first 30 days of the first subscription period. Subsequent subscription fees cannot be refunded once payed.

Swing Algo

You just add them as an indicator to your charts on TradingView (for this you need a free TradingView account). From then on new signals will appear on the chart showing you signals when to buy and when to sell (or go short). The signals only appear after purchase and consequent unlocking of the Swing Algos for your TradingView account from DeanTrader.

Apart from the basic long-term swing trading principle we follow, most recommendations can be found in the Swing Algo FAQs, where many details surrounding the trades are discussed. A motivation of our trading style is presented in the Swing Algo Trading Introduction.

If you’re completely new to trading and have never used an exchange before, you should read the Swing Algo Beginner’s Guide to understand which trades we perform & how each specific trade is executed. Here everything is explained in very detail. For quick reference on which buttons to press on the exchange you can use the Trading Cheat Sheet.

Yes, you can find a sheet with links to all important footage DeanTrader released up until today here.

For standard swing algo trading of ETH/USD (what most of our users including Dean do), the default input parameters are already optimized for the daily (D) time frame. For other assets you have to change the input assets and try to tune the net profits in the Strategy Tester of TradingView, please also see bullet point 15) in the Swing Algo FAQs Sheet. For some assets we already worked out some good starting parameter sets for further investigation, which you can find in the Swing Algo Library.

You can purchase access in the Shop on our website by buying the appropriate product tier (which indicates for how long you want to use the Swing Algos and indicators). After you finished your order, DeanTrader can unlock all relevant scripts on TradingView for you and add you to our Telegram and Discords channels. If you then have further questions along the way, feel free to ask us e.g. in Telegram.